Year 9 Lessons - Term 3
( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)
Boys without access to a printer can email me one page of colour prints using the A4 Powerpoint Printing Template below. The pictures need to fit into the spaces left in sketchbooks, so please ensure pictures are measured accurately using the the rulers on the template.
Lesson 1
Classwork : For most classes this is the last lesson before the swap-over.
Fine Artist should be completing the last 25% of their Joiners Painting. Photographers should be completing the Lesson 5 following the link below.
Remember students swapping to painting will need to ensure they have produced a ‘Joiner’ from 5-8 photos/sections as shown in Lesson 4 last term. The work was constructed using Powerpoint, or with a ‘Joiner’ type phone app.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete the ‘Joiners’ painting and submit for final marking. The following work will be included as part of this assessment,
The initial Joiner Planning sheet
The Joiner made from 5-8 photographs (using a phone app or PowerPoint)
The final ‘Joiner’ painting
Photographers will complete and submit the Powerful Portrait PowerPoint.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 2
Classwork : This is a swap-over lesson.
One half of the class will follow lesson 2 - 6 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this Lesson starting the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown below for the photography project.
NOTE: It is likely students will miss at least one lesson this term because of exams and activities week. Students will need to manage their time effectively to complete all work regardless of lessons.
During lesson 2 Fine Artists will draw out the ‘Joiner’ that was produced for homework previously. The aim is that students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiners’ painting over the next 5 lessons (10 school weeks).
Homework: Fine Artists will complete the drawing out the ‘Joiners’ work and some boys may start to paint one of the easier section. Paints and brushes will be needed for the next 4 Art lessons.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise.
Lesson 3
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 2 - 6 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this time Lessons completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown in Lesson 2 above.
Over the next 4 lessons (8 school weeks) students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiner’ painting. By lesson 4 the aim is to complete 25% of the work.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete 25% of the ‘Joiners’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise.
Lesson 4
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 2 - 6 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this time Lessons completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown in Lessons 2 above.
Over the next 3 lessons (6 school weeks) students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiner’ painting. By lesson 5 the aim is to complete 50% of the work.
Below are examples of completed paintings so that students can judge the relevant standard of paintings.
EXCELLENCE+ high level detail, blending skills and accuracy
EXCELLENCE+ high level detail, blending skills and accuracy (could be more in the hair but eye and clothing makes up for this)
EXCELLENCE- high level of detail and accuracy (skill blending needs more water to create the different tones)
SECURE+ good attempt at blending skin tones (needs more detail in eyes and hair for the higher marks)
SECURE+ good level detail especially in the lips (needs a little more detail in the hair, nose and eyes)
SECURE good proportions and attempt at blending skin tones (needs a much more detail in the hair and eyes for the higher marks)
Homework: Fine Artists will complete 50% of the ‘Joiners’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise.
Lesson 5
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 2 - 6 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this time Lessons completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown in Lessons 2 above.
Over the next 3 lessons (6 school weeks) students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiner’ painting. By lesson 6 the aim is to complete 75% of the work.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete 75% of the ‘Joiners’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise.
Lesson 6
Classwork : Before the end of term:
Fine Artists will complete the ‘Joiners’ painting and submit for final marking. The following work will be included as part of this assessment,
The initial Joiner Planning sheet
The Joiner made from 5-8 photographs (using a phone app or PowerPoint)
The final ‘Joiner’ painting
Photographers will complete and submit the Powerful Portrait PowerPoint.
Homework: Complete all work outlined above.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise.