“A picture is a poem without words ”
year 9 core curriculum - this page will be updated in the Summer term to reflect the new curriculum including the term 1 Gargoyles unit of work found here
project 1a : cubism research & portraiture
Initially in Year 9 pupils explore and present Cubism research work. Students gain an understanding of Analytical and Synthetic Cubism and produce Cubist portrait work.
Work Produced:
Portraits & Cubism sketchbook title page
Cubist Questionnaire
Written task on ‘What is Cubism?’
An ‘analytical’ style cubist self-portrait
A Cubist portrait using advanced cropping features on PowerPoint
Support Materials:
A Simple Introduction to Cubism
An Introduction to Cubism
Analtytical Cubist Portrait 1 - Drawing the outline
Analytical Cubist Portrait 2 - Adding colour
First Time Mac Set Up
Cubist PowerPoint Portrait
project 1b : art inspired by cubism
Initially students are given an understanding of the requirement of Art and Photography GCSE. This will inform option choices.
In this second term students learn about the wide range of art and artists that have been influenced by Cubism and learn how to write an in-depth analysis of a work of art. Students also produce original artwork inspired by one of the artists studied.
Work Produced:
Artists Influenced by Cubism notes
Detailed analysis of Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman’ painting
Students produce an original piece of artwork inspired by Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman’ or one of the other artists influenced by Cubism (drawing, painting and mix media work is encouraged)
Support Materials:
GCSE Art Options Information
project 1c : photography inspired by cubism
For the final part of the project students produce photography work inspired by one of artists that was influenced by Cubism. Students are also tested on recognising the work of these artists.
Work Produced:
Artists Influenced by Cubism recognition test
Photography work inspired by an artist who has been Influenced by Cubism
PowerPoint presentation
Artists research and analysis
Contact sheet generated by Adobe Bridge
Adobe Photoshop edits in colour and/or black & white
Final images and evaluation
Support Materials:
‘Joiners’ Art Project
‘Joiners’ Planning Sheet