“darken it, sharpen it & add more detail”
y10 gcse core curriculum
project 1 : still-life (fine art)
In Year 10 students start with a ‘Still-life Fruit’ project aimed to further improve basic skills and cement their understanding of the requirements of GCSE first introduced in Year 9.
Students arrange fruit and other selected objects and develop work, choosing to investigate artist such as Cezanne, Cubists such as Picasso, Braque or Gris, or the Scottish Colourist such as Peploe, Fergusson or Cadell.
The four assessment objectives and project components are;
· Initial Preparatory work
· Artists’ research and investigations
· Development
· Final art work
(each assessment objective is given equal weighting)
Work Produced:
Three pieces of initial preparatory work (including photography) and associated sketchbook work
Artist research and investigations
Two pieces of development work and associated sketchbook work
Final art work and associated sketchbook work
Support Materials:
Still Life Project Outline
Still Life Project Initial Preparatory Work
Still Life Project Artist Research Work
project 1a & 1b : still-life & landscape (photography)
In Year 10 students start with two photography projects. The first is still-life ‘Reflections & Refraction’ project, and the second is a ‘Fine Art Urban Landscape’ project. Both projects are aimed to further improve basics skills and cement pupils’ understanding of the requirements of GCSE first introduced in Year 3.
For each project students produce 3 -4 photoshoots using appropriately selected source material and develop work using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. They also investigate artists and photographers looking at both photography and editing skills.
The four assessment objectives and project components are;
· Initial Preparatory work (general research and photoshoots)
· Artist/photographers research
· Development
· Final photographic work
(each assessment objective is given equal weighting)
Work Produced:
Initial preparatory work to include 3 -4 photoshoots and general topic research
In depth artist/photographer research and investigations
Development and editing work
Final photographic work
Work will be presented in Powerpoint format (approx. 50 pages) as well as 3-5 final printed images
Support Materials:
These are all currently to be found on the school student shared drive /Art Shared/GCSE/Photography
project 2 : personal choice (fine art & photography)
For the second project students have a ‘Free Choice’ project. There is also a wide selection of exemplar projects, from all genres of art and photography. These can often help provide an inspiring starting point for students. These have been split in Landscape, Cityscape, Mixed Media, Portraiture and Still-Life. The work produced will follow the same format as Project 1. Thus again the four assessment objectives and project components are;
· Initial Preparatory work
· Artists’ research and investigations
· Development
· Final art work
(each assessment objective is given equal weighting)
Work Produced:
Three pieces of initial preparatory work (including photography) and associated sketchbook work
Artist research and investigations
Two pieces of development work and associated sketchbook work
Final art work and associated sketchbook work
Support Materials:
GCSE Landscape Project
GCSE Portrait Project - Example 3