“ Great art is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration”

year 8 core curriculum


1 : words as meanings

Students use graphics techniques and imagination to make words look like their meanings. This activity is linked with graphic and logo design.

This unit of work builds on drawing skills developed inYear 7 unit 3 : portraiture, where students used colour pencil to present a Portrait proportions worksheet. teaching students how to use colour pencil and techniques associated with graphic design.

Work Produced:

  • Two graphic drawings showing words that look pictorially like their meaning

Support Materials:

Words as Meanings


2 : collage & painting

Students look at the concept of collage. They then collect natural and man-made artefacts found underfoot and assemble these into a collage. Using accurate measurements and ‘points of reference’ pupils go on to produce a painting from their collage, building on the painting skills introduced in Year 7.

This unit of work builds on painting skills developed in Year 7 unit 2 : colour, painting & composition, teaching students how to work with increasing levels of accuracy and detail. The unit of work also builds on drawing skills developed in Year 7 showing showing students how to measure and enlarge an image using a ‘points of reference’ measuring system.

Work Produced:

  • Collage design work in the shape of an animal

  • Final Painting work

  • Artists’ collage recognition test

Support Materials:

Collage Painting - An Introduction

Example Collages

Example Collages

Making the Collage 1 - Tracing and Cutting

Making the Collage 2 - Arranging and Sticking

Collage Self Assessment

Artists who use Collage Test Recognition Handout

Artists who use Collage Test Recognition Handout

Collage Enlargement 1 - Enlarging the Basic Shape

Collage Enlargement 2 - Drawing the Object Outlines

Collage Drawing - Common Mistakes

Collage Painting - Common Mistakes

Collage Painting Skills - Blending Paint and Fine Details

3 : photography (powerful portraits)

Students look at different portrait photographers and use this as a starting point for their own ‘powerful portraits’ photography. They use Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and PowerPoint to develop and present ideas.

This unit of work builds on previous work encouraging students to be more imaginative and expressive in their ideas. The unit of work also develops skills introduced in Year 7 unit 1 : drawing, in researching, assessing and evaluating artwork. The unit of work also teaches students the basic photography techniques (taking and editing pictures and presenting work in a coherent way).

Work Produced:

  • PowerPoint presentation

  • 24 photographs

  • Ideas ‘wordle’

  • Artists research and analysis

  • Contact sheet generated by Adobe Bridge

  • Adobe Photoshop edits in colour and/or black & white

Support Materials:

These are all currently to be found on the school student shared drive /Art Shared/Yr 2/Powerful Portraits


4 : land art

Students look at the concept of Land Art looking at a variety of artists and works. Research work is evaluated and presented in creative ways. Students then produce, explain and analyse their own land art as an Easter holiday project.

This unit of work builds on previous work encouraging students to be more imaginative and expressive in their ideas using diffent materials and techniques. The unit of work also develops skills introduced in Year 7 unit 1 : drawing and in unit 2 : photography (powerful portraits), in researching, assessing and evaluating artwork.

Work Produced:

  • Research work into Land Art (two page plus ‘flap-out’ sections)

  • Students own Land Art sculpture that is photographed and conceptually explained

  • Artists’ land art recognition test

Support Materials:

An Introduction to Land Art

Artists Land Art Test Recognition Handout

Artists Land Art Test Recognition Handout

Land Art Heading

Land Art - Research Guidance

Student Land Art

5 : next level drawing skills

Students build on the drawing skills introduced in Year 7. The continue to experiment with mark making, texture and tone with the aim of developing accurate and exciting drawing skills.

This unit of work builds on drawing skills developed in previous units of work developing these skills to enable students to add increasingly levels of detail to drawings.

Work Produced:

  • a detailed pencil study of a shell

Support Materials:

Shell Drawing

6 : perspective

Students look at linear and atmospheric perspective. They also look at the history and development of perspective and how artists have incorporated perspective into their work. Students finally use associated watercolour painting techniques and produce a landscape painting.

This unit of work formally teaches students how to draw and paint using perspective. The unit of work builds on painting skills developed in Year 7 unit 2 : colour, painting & composition, formally teaching students more advanced watercolour and composition techniques.

Work produced:

  • perspective video questionnaire

  • linear perspective lettering heading

  • Collections of cloud and tree pictures

  • Painting studies of clouds and trees including written evaluations

  • Final atmospheric perspective tonal painting

Support Materials:

Perspective Heading 1

Perspective Heading 2

Atmospheric Perspective Project Overview

Atmospheric Perspective Cloud Painting

Atmospheric Perspective Tree Painting

1 Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

2 Hills Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

3 Final Trees Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting


6a : linear perspective - extension work

Students have seen both ‘one’ and ‘two-point’ linear perspective work. As extension work they can produce a number of street scenes.

This unit of work builds on skills developed in unit 6 : perspective, formally teaching students more advanced and complex applications of linear perspective.

Work Produced:

  • ‘One-point’ perspective street scene

  • ‘Two-point’ perspective street scene

Support Materials:

Perspective Street Scene 1 - Re-Cap and Street Scene Practice Drawing

Perspective Street Scene 2 - The Main Street Scene Drawing