Year 9 Lessons - Term 2
( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)
Boys without access to a printer can email me one page of colour prints using the A4 Powerpoint Printing Template below. The pictures need to fit into the spaces left in sketchbooks, so please ensure pictures are measured accurately using the the rulers on the template.
Lesson 1
Classwork : This is a swap-over lesson.
The half of the class that has produced an Analytical Cubist style self-portrait using colour pencil will swap to working on the computers for Lesson 1 & 2. All information for this work can be found by following the link below.
The other half of the class that has completed the Cubist style portrait using the computers will complete their Analytical Cubist style self-portrait using colour pencil as described below in Lessons 1 & 2. These students will, firstly, watch the ‘Analytical Cubism Portrait 2’ video below and then start to add colour, using colouring pencil, to their Analytical style self-portrait.
Analytical Cubist Portrait 2 - Adding Colour
Homework: Complete adding colour to about half of the Analytical style self-portrait.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 2
Classwork : Students continue to add colour using colouring pencil to their Analytical style self-portrait. Student should look again at the different standard examples of work shown at the end of the ‘Analytical Cubism Portrait 2’ video in Lesson 5 Term 1, as well as the examples below.
Students working on the computers should again use the link shown in Lesson 1 to follow the lesson and homework for producing a Cubist style portrait on the computers.
Homework: Complete adding colour to the Analytical style self-portrait. It is optional to add a background.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 3
Classwork : Students get introduced to Art at GCSE. This will enable students to make an informed choice about the two options available for study: Fine Art or Photography.
For the remainder of Year 9 students will produced 2 projects. One Fine Art project based on ‘Sea-Life’ and one Photography project based on ‘Powerful Portraits’ (this is a variation on Year 8 work that current Year 9 students missed because of the Lockdown’).
A general introduction to GCSE Art can be seen in the video below.
GCSE Art Options Information
The is a more detailed overview of GCSE Fine Art can be found by clicking the button below.
Whereas for GCSE Photography there are exemplar projects on the pupil shared drive in school ( W:\Art Shared\Y4\Photography).
Homework: No homework this week.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 4
Classwork : Students start this lesson by watching the ‘Joiners Art Project’ video below. Students also take notes when watching the video. Try to write 10 - 20 pieces of information from the video (10 is ‘Secure’, over 20 is ‘Excellence’). Number these and don’t forget write neatly on one or two sketchbook pages.
‘Joiners’ Art Project
At the end of the video student will be asked to plan out 5 design ideas on the sheet below, in readiness for the homework.
’Joiner’ Planning Sheet
Homework: Take photographs and produce a ‘Joiner’ - like piece of Artwork as shown in the video. It is suggested that students make the ‘Joiner’ from 8-10 photos/sections (although students may wish to take many more pieces from which to choose). The work should be constructed using Powerpoint, or students may wish to experiment with a phone app.
The work must be emailed to your teacher (and yourself) before the next lesson
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 5
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 5 - 10 on sacart for the Fine Art project.
The other half of the class will spend the Lessons 5 - 10 completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link below to access these 5 lessons.
After 5 lessons the Fine Artists will start Photography and the Photographers will start Fine Art.
During lesson 5 students will draw out the ‘Joiner’ that was produced for homework previously. The aim is that students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiners’ painting over the next 5 lessons (10 school weeks).
Homework: Fine Artists will complete the drawing out the ‘Joiners’ work and some boys may start to paint one of the easier section. Paints and brushes will be needed for the next 4 Art lessons.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 6
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 5 - 10 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this time Lessons completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown in 5 lessons.
Over the next 4 lessons (8 school weeks) students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiner’ painting. By lesson 7 the aim is to complete 25% of the work.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete 25% of the ‘Joiners’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 7
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 5 - 10 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this time Lessons completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown in 5 lessons.
Over the next 3 lessons (6 school weeks) students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiner’ painting. By lesson 8 the aim is to complete 50% of the work.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete 50% of the ‘Joiners’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 8
Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 5 - 10 on sacart for the Fine Art project. The other half of the class will spend this time Lessons completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link shown in 5 lessons.
Over the next 2 lessons (4 school weeks) students manage their time effectively to complete the ‘Joiner’ painting. By lesson 9 the aim is to complete 75% of the work.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete 75% of the ‘Joiners’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.
Lesson 10 - this lesson will be after Easter for most classes
Classwork : This is the last lesson before Fine Artists will start the photography project.
Students complete the ‘Joiner’ painting.
Homework: Fine Artists will complete the ‘Joiners’ painting and submit for final marking. The following work will be included as part of this assessment,
The initial Joiner Planning sheet
The Joiner made from 8 - 10 photographs (using a phone app or PowerPoint)
The final ‘Joiner’ painting
Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.