Year 9 Lessons - Term 3

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

Boys without access to a printer (or indeed any boy) can send me research information (text and pictures) to print. A maximum of three pages will be printed and boys must use the A4 Powerpoint Template below (this has been split in half to be the same size as two pages in the sketchbook). Don’t forget to include your name and form and carefully size any pictures you need printing. Any printing required must be received at least 24hrs before the lesson.


please watch the video below for an overview of work that should have been completed by students during Term 2

Lesson 1

Classwork : Students will now have the term to complete the following 3 pieces of work,

  • a portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ (this does not need to be self-portrait). See pictures below.

  • research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism (not Picasso or Braque) - the choices either Chuck Close, David Hockney, Francis Bacon, Frank Gehry, Franz Marc, Juan Gris, Roy Lichtenstein or Umberto Boccioni.

  • a piece of artwork influenced by the artist students researched who was inspired by Cubism

It is up to students to manage their time effectively (classwork and homework)using the template below. Here are two examples of how students may manage their time,





Homework: Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’.

Students will also need to collect Photographs for a portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman and pictures for the research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism If need be. Remember if you need these printed they can be emailed to You must use the ‘A4 PowerPoint Research Template’ at the top of this page.

Examples of ‘Weeping Woman’ style portrait can be seen below,


With your ‘Weeping Woman’ style portrait there also needs to be a written EXPLANATION. This needs to include,

1) An explanation of the pose you’ve used and how this is inspired by the ‘Weeping Woman’. For example how the hand is held up to the face drinking a can of drink, and how this is based on the way the ‘Weeping Woman’ holds a handkerchief to her face to catch her tears.

2) An explanation of the style and the colours you’ve used and how this is inspired by the ‘Weeping Woman’. For example how you have fragmented the face using bright colours, and used bold black outlines to reflect the bold and cubist characteristics of Picasso’s ‘Weeping Woman’ painting.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 2

Classwork : Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’. If students are using paint, and thus intending to complete this portrait at home, then the lesson will be used to work on research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism.

Homework: Continue with the work for this term. Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’ and will need to management their own time effectively and set individual priorities.

NOTE: By the end of Lesson 3 or at the start of Lesson 4 students must submit at least one of either the portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ or the finished research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 3

Classwork : Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’. If students are using paint, and thus intending to complete this portrait at home, then the lesson will be used to work on research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism.

NOTE: By the end of Lesson 3 or at the start of Lesson 4 students must submit at least one of either the portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ or the finished research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism. Guidance of what must be included in the research will be discussed in class and an overview is shown below.


Homework: Continue with the work for this term. Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’ and will need to management their own time effectively and set individual priorities.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.


Lesson 4

Classwork : Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’.

NOTE: By the end of Lesson 3 or at the start of Lesson 4 students must submit at least one of either the portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ or the finished research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism.

Homework: Continue with the work for this term. Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’ and will need to management their own time effectively and set individual priorities.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 5

Classwork : Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’.

Homework: Continue with the work for this term. Students should follow their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’ and will need to management their own time effectively and set individual priorities. By Lesson 6 the following three pieces must be completed,

1. Portrait in the style of Picasso’s Weeping Woman (and explanation)

2. Research into an Artists influence by Cubism

3. A piece of artwork inspired by the artist they have chosen to research (and explanation)

NOTE: This is the last homework of the year and all work will need to be completed by Lesson 6.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Students should have now completed all three pieces of work set for this term in line with their ‘Year 9 Work Plan for the Summer Term’. This final lesson can be used for last minute minor improvement before work is submitted for marking. By the end of Lesson 6 the following three pieces must be completed,

1. Portrait in the style of Picasso’s Weeping Woman (and explanation)

2. Research into an Artists influence by Cubism

3. A piece of artwork inspired by the artist they have chosen to research (and explanation)

Homework: No homework as this is the last lesson.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.