Year 8 Lessons - Term 3

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

Lesson 1

Classwork : Students then watch the ‘Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video below and draw out the four mountain onto watercolour paper.

After this student need to paint the clouds. Don’t forget to practice the clouds one last time as you only get one chance to get it right on the watercolour paper.

Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Homework: Complete the classwork.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 2

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Hills Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video below. They should now paint the four hills showing how they get increasing lighter in the distance. Don’t forget to test the paint tones on scrap paper as you only get one chance to get it right on the watercolour paper.

Hills Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Homework : Students complete painting the four hills showing how they get increasing lighter in the distance.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 3

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Final Trees Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video below. They should now plan where to put the three trees and draw them out accurately, showing how they get increasing smaller in the distance.

Final Trees Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Homework : Students can either start by painting the largest tree or the two smaller tree. Don’t forget to again practice the fine branches on scrap paper as you only get one chance to get it right on the watercolour paper.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 4

Classwork : Students complete the three trees.

Homework: Complete and improve the Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting. Students must complete the extension work below.

Please click on the examples of final paintings below to bring up the extension work guidance document.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 5

Classwork : Students watch the ‘perspective Street Scene 1’ video below. They then practice drawing the street scene onto the worksheet as explained in the video.

Perspective Street Scene 1 - Re-Cap and Street Scene Practice Drawing

Homework: There is no homework. Books will be collected so that the Atmospheric Perspective Landscape painting can be assessed.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Students continue to copy the one-point perspective ‘normal view’ street scene onto the ‘perspective template’ handout from lesson 5.

When students have understood the practice street scene drawing (the complete street does not need to be drawn on the handout sheet), they should watch the ‘Perspective Street Scene 2’ demonstration video below, and then start copy the ‘normal view’ street scene again in sketchbooks. This work needs to be completed under the perspective heading produce last term.

Perspective Street Scene 2 -The Main Street Scene Drawing

Homework: No homework as students will be revising for their Summer examinations.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 7

Classwork : Students continue to copy the one-point perspective ‘normal view’ street scene in sketchbooks. This work needs to be completed under the perspective heading produce last term.

Homework: Complete the normal view’ street scene in sketchbooks and write the ‘Normal Viewpoint’ paragraph below the drawing.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 8

Classwork : This is the final lesson of the term. Students need to complete the ‘high viewpoint’ or ‘low viewpoint’ street scene as extension work.

Those student still experiencing difficulty understanding linear perspective with be given additional support.

Homework: No homework this week.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.