Year 9 Lessons - Term 2

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

***please note that any missing demonstration videos will be unloading shortly***

Lesson 1

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Analytical Cubism Portrait 2’ video below and then start to add colour, using colouring pencil, to their Analytical style self-portrait.

Analytical Cubist Portrait 2 - Adding Colour

Homework: Complete adding colour to about half of the Analytical style self-portrait.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Submitting Work:
You will be told on MILK when picture(s) of classwork & homework need to be emailed to me ( from your school email account please.

Lesson 2

Classwork : Students continue to add colour using colouring pencil to their Analytical style self-portrait. Student should look again at the different standard examples of work shown at the end of the ‘Analytical Cubism Portrait 2’ video in Lesson 1.

Good Example of a half finished portrait from Lesson 1

Good Example of a half finished portrait from Lesson 1

Good Example of a finished portrait from Lesson  2 and completed for homework

Good Example of a finished portrait from Lesson 2 and completed for homework

Homework: Complete adding colour to the Analytical style self-portrait. It is optional to add a background.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 3

Classwork : Students re-watch the ‘Analytical Cubism’ video below as a reminder of how to present and label research work. Students will the have the remainder of the lesson, and homework, to complete writing up and presenting the information on SYNTHETIC CUBISM, This is Research Task 4 as described on the ‘Cubism Research Handout Sheet’ of pictures. Look closely at the examples in the video and listen to the instructions. Marks will be awarded for content, personal comments when labelling the pictures, layout and artistic presentation.

The key point is that students should be able to demonstrate that their SYNTHETIC CUBISM content, personal comments, labelling of pictures, layout and artistic presentation shows an improvement/progress in comparison to previous Analytical Cubism research work.

Analytical Cubism

EXAMPLE ABOVE SHOWSExcellence presentation, Secure - information (because only 2 pictures are labelled and limited information written in the labelling)


Excellence presentation, Secure - information (because only 2 pictures are labelled and limited information written in the labelling)

Homework: Complete Research Task 4 - Information on ‘Synthetic Cubism’ and submit by email.

Boys without access to a printer (or indeed any boy) can complete the work on the one page A4 Powerpoint Template below (this has been split in half to be the same size as two pages in the sketchbook).

If students produce the work on PowerPoint they must plan work, presentation (font, colours borders etc.), find the synthetic Cubism pictures online, and use arrows to label the pictures. Remember it all research must fit on the one page PowerPoint slide below.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 4

Classwork : This is a complex research task for Year 9 so read the instructions carefully. Many of the written, research and evaluation skill students use over the next two lessons will also be used in English and History.

Over the next two lessons students will research Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ (this is lesson 4 and homework) and then write an analysis essay (this will be Lesson 5 and homework) based on the research.

For research students will need to find out about Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ using the 5 points (Technical Details, Composition, Type of Art, Techniques and Personal Opinion) using the ‘Weeping Woman Analysis Notes Template’ sheet below. This can be printed or the 5 headings written in sketchbooks.

It is especially important that students also relate ‘The Weeping Woman’ to Picasso’s most famous work ‘Guernica’ and the horrors of The Spanish Civil War to help with their personal opinions of the work. Although section 5 is for personal opinions, in reality personal opinions will also be included as part of points 2, 3 and 4. So for example,

  • When describing the Composition in for point 2, students might also describe why the woman is weeping, how this emotion might relate to The Spanish Civil War, and who the woman could be (use your imagination also).

  • When describing the Type of Art for point 3, students will obviously describe how ‘The Weeping Woman’ relates to Cubism and the characteristics of Cubism - despite the fact that Picasso stopped specifically making Cubist paintings over a decade before he painted ‘The Weeping Woman.

Most boys will print out the ‘Weeping Woman Analysis Notes Template’ sheet below to make notes, but will also make extra notes (using 20 - 40 bullet points on two sketchbook pages). For these extra bullet point notes it is suggested that students also use the headings Technical Details, Composition, Type of Art, Techniques and Personal Opinion.

‘Weeping Woman Analysis Notes Template’ sheet - click to download and print

Weeping Woman Analysis Notes Template’ sheet - click to download and print

When researching ‘The Weeping Woman’, ‘Guernica’, and The Spanish Civil War, students can obvious make notes from sources like Wikipedia, books and YouTube videos. Below are also three short videos that will help give students an understanding of the topic and will provide good quality information for the notes.

Homework: Complete the research notes and extra notes on ‘The Weeping Woman’, ‘Guernica’, and The Spanish Civil War in readiness to write the essay next lesson. Your research notes will look like the pictures below.

1.  Notes on the ‘Weeping Woman Analysis Notes Template’ sheet - Obviously the examples being shown are research for a different painting analysis essay.

1. Notes on the ‘Weeping Woman Analysis Notes Template’ sheet - Obviously the examples being shown are research for a different painting analysis essay.

2. Extra notes using 20 - 40 bullet points on two sketchbook pages (notes that it would have been better if this students had also used the 5 headings to organise these extra notes).

2. Extra notes using 20 - 40 bullet points on two sketchbook pages (notes that it would have been better if this students had also used the 5 headings to organise these extra notes).

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 5

Classwork : Students will begin to write an analysis essay on Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’ based on the research information from Lesson 4. Most students will write 4 sketchbook pages of small writing using 5 paragraphs which follow the topics of Technical Details, Composition, Type of Art, Techniques and Personal Opinion from the research. Student may wish to consider the guidance below as prudent way to structure the analysis essay.

Screenshot 2021-03-18 at 09.51.09.png

Homework: Student complete the analysis essay on Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Books are collected for marking and assessments this week

Students learn about and take notes on artists that have been influenced by Cubism.

Students will now have the term to complete the following 3 pieces of work,

  • a portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman (this does not need to be self-portrait). See pictures below.

  • research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism (not Picasso or Braque) - the choices either Chuck Close, David Hockney, Francis Bacon, Frank Gehry, Franz Marc, Juan Gris, Roy Lichtenstein or Umberto Boccioni.

  • a piece of artwork influenced by the artist students researched who was inspired by Cubism

Homework: Collect Photographs for a portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman. If you need these printed they can be emailed to over the Easter break. You must use the ‘A4 PowerPint Research Template’ form Lesson 3.

Also start research (and planning page layouts) into one of the artists influenced by Cubism. Again students can sent pictures for printing if they do not have access to a printer.


Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 7

Classwork : Students start to work on the portrait inspired by Picasso’s painting ‘The Weeping Woman’. This is lesson 1 of 2 lessons students are given to complete the portrait. It is expected that this piece of work will take between 4 and 6hrs (this is a similar time time the Collage painting students produced in Year 8).

NOTE: If students are using paint, and thus intending to complete this portrait at home, then the lesson will be used to work on research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism.

Homework: Continue with the work for this term. Students will need to management their own time effectively and set individual priorities.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 8

Classwork : Students continue to work on the portrait start to add detail to the work. This is the final lesson students are given to complete the portrait.

NOTE: If students are using paint, and thus intending to complete this portrait at home, then the lesson will be used to work on research into one of the artists influenced by Cubism.

Homework: Continue to work on the portrait. This work needs to be completed by next lesson.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.