Year 8 Lessons - Term 1

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

Boys without access to a printer can email me prints using the A4 Powerpoint Printing Template below. The pictures need to be the correct size. For example, they might need to fit into the spaces left in sketchbooks, so please ensure pictures are measured accurately using the the rulers on the template.

Lesson 1

Classwork : Students are first issued with sketchbooks. Use 3 guidelines (1cm apart) and write name and form, Art , and teachers name (see example below).

Students then watch the ‘Words as Meanings’ video below. Start to work out and complete 2 words to 'look like' their meaning (use colour pencil and fine liner). This should be completed on the first page of your sketchbook. and one of the words must be from the list below,

  • HOT







Students can use their phones, but only for research purposes.

Words as Meanings

Homework: This should be completed on the first page of your sketchbook.
Complete 2 words to 'look like' their meaning (use colour pencil and fine liner) and also include an explanation. Re-watch the explanation video above if need be.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 2

Classwork : The first part of the lesson will be used to improve the quality of the “Words as Meanings’ work. The second part of the lesson will be used to introduce and explain the ‘Collage/Painting Project’.

NOTE: This year the collage painting project will be simplified and completed as homework, so that only 4 objects are drawn and painted. In class, after making the collage, student will produce the clay portrait sculpture missed during Year 7.

Collage Painting Introduction

Homework : Collect items for your collage. You should have the following,

  • 2 animal silhouettes printed on A4 paper (so each are approx. A5 size)

  • 6-8 man-made objects (sweet packets and wrappers with big lettering) - this year student will stick down just 3 man-made objects

  • 2-3 natural objects (such as leaves) - this year students will stick down just 1 natural object

Remember you must draw and paint whatever it is you collect and stick down as part of your collage.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 3

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Making a Collage 1’ video and produce the collage frame. Some students may also start to arrange and stick down the collage items.

Making the Collage - Tracing and Cutting

Homework : There is no homework this week but students may wish to collect more collage items to stick down next lesson and improve the collage frame cut-out (if you have access to a craft knife at home). It is also a good idea to cut-out and arrange objects on the second piece of card (no gaps and without actually sticking them down). This will make sticking down much quicker in Lesson 4. Also take a photo of you arrangement on a phone as shown in the pictures below. Can you see which wrapper the student has failed to be trim?

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 4

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Making a Collage 2’ video and arrange and stick down the collage items, then final stick down the frame.

Making the Collage - Arranging and Sticking

Homework : Complete the collage.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 5

Classwork : In Year 7 students copied an artist’s drawing by measuring the work. Later in Year 7 they reproduced and enlarged the teddy bear still-life and self-portrait using the ’gridded enlargement’ method. In Year 8 student will enlarge the collage using the ‘points of reference’ system.

Students watch the ‘Collage Enlargement 1’ video below. Using the the points of reference system shown in the video to enlarge the collage shape outline by 1.5 times. Work on watercolour paper.

If you are isolating you should work on A4 paper to practice the technique. When you return to school you should collect the watercolour paper.

Collage Enlargement 1 - Enlarging the Basic Shape

Homework: Complete drawing the collage animal outline (remember it is enlarged by 1.5 times) . Do not start drawing the details or wrappers.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Watch the ‘Artists who use Collage Slide Show’ video using the ‘Artists who use Collage Handout’ below. The video should be paused at the appropriate point so student can split up a sketchbook page and write down the collage key term.

When watching the video students should take high quality notes on the various artists and also on the collage key terms. There will not be a test on these artists (as there were in Year 7), but marks will be based on the quality of notes and research information, as well as presentation.

At the end of the lesson students will have the opportunity to re-watch the video on their phones and further research the key terms. Collage key term notes should be well presented, using colour pencil for borders and guidelines for written information as in the video.

NOTE: Students should look out for a couple of changes to the Man Ray images and also a Raoul Hausmann collage.

Artists who use Collage Slide Show

Homework: Watch the ‘Artists who use Collage Slide Show’ video again, and complete any missing class notes on the ‘Artists who use Collage Handout’ and on the collage key terms described in the video.

Secure- Very good notes on the handout but some definitions of key term missing

Excellence+ High quality notes and in-depth definitions of key term and the artists who use this type of collage

Note - that next lesson one half of the class will continue with drawing out and painting the college painting over 7 weeks, whereas the other half will start the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 7

Classwork : One half of the class will follow lesson 7 -13 on sacart for the collage painting. They will start this lesson by watching the ‘Collage Enlargement 2’ video below and accurately with measurements drawing out the outlines of the wrappers (no details). It is expected that boys will draw the outline of the wrappers and only one wrapper complete with lettering during the lesson.

Collage Enlargement 2 - Drawing the Object Outlines

The other half of the class will spend the Lessons 7 - 13 completing the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link below to access these 7 lessons.

Boys thus have 7 weeks to complete the collage painting or photography project before swapping over.

Homework: Complete drawing the outlines of the wrappers (no details), and the detail, such as lettering, for two of the easier wrappers discussed in class. Students will also need to bring in paints and brushes. The ‘Collage Drawing -Common Mistakes’ video below will help student work accurately when drawing the wrappers and lettering.

Collage Drawing - Common Mistakes

Photographers follow the homework instructions following the link above.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 8

Classwork : Students watch the “Collage Drawing - Common Mistakes’ video below and check the accuracy of the two wrapper they have been asked to draw. The techniques of measuring, guidelines and ghosting should have been used to draw out the details and lettering. Again remember everything is being enlarged by 1.5 times.

Collage Drawing - Common Mistakes

After this students are asked to paint one object. The will normal be a wrapper with simple flat colour and bold lettering.

Homework: Complete drawing the details of all collage items and also complete painting one object only. Also bring in paints and brushes. Books will also be collected for marking.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 9

Classwork : Students watch the ‘Collage Painting - Common Mistakes’ video below. Aim to complete painting one wrapper in class. Aim to paint a simple wrapper, for example one with large lettering and just two flat colours.

Collage Painting - Common Mistakes

Homework : Aim to complete painting a second collage item, but you will be told in the lesson what to paint (concentrating on the simple objects first).

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 10 - Cover Lessons can be found here:

8D - scroll down as it’s Lesson 8

8E - scroll down as it’s Lesson 9 (although you may have some work to complete from Lesson 8)

Classwork : Students will now hopefully be ready to start painting the third collage item, choosing progressively more difficult items. Students should watch the ‘Collage Painting Skills 2’ video below. After lesson 9 students have 3 lessons (Lessons 10, 11 and 12) to complete the college painting.

Collage Painting Skills 2 - Blending Paint and Fine Details

Homework : Continue working on the collage painting. You will be told in the lesson what to paint next (concentrating on the simple objects first and then increasingly more difficult items with blending and fine details).

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 11, 12 & 13

Classwork : Students continue working on the collage painting.

Homework: Continue working on the collage painting.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.

Lesson 14

Classwork : This is now a swap-over lesson.

The half of the class that has completed the collage painting will swap to photography for the next 7 lesson and complete the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project. Follow the link below to access these 7 lessons.

The half of the class that has completed the ‘Powerful Portraits’ photography project will continue with the collage work project by following Lessons 7 - 13 above.

Homework: Collage students follow the homework instructions above for lesson 6. Photographers follow the homework instructions following the link above.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on CLASSCHARTS.