Year 8 Lessons - Term 1

Art may initially seem very different this year for all Key Stage 3 students. It will not be taught in the Art room but in year group ‘bubbles’. However, our intention is still to offer as broad a curriculum as possible. In practice this means that some aspects of Art (painting for example) will need to be completed at home using the demonstrations on sacart. We consider this strategy as preferable to one whereby pupils are denied these experiences.

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

Below is a good example (for both students and parents) of the work Year 8 boys were expected to have completed during Term 1.

Lesson 14

Classwork : Students will complete the ‘Artists who use Collage Test’. Hopefully they have been successful in the practice test set for homework. The pass mark is 80% (or 16/20).

Homework : There is no homework this week.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 13

Classwork : Students continue to add tone and detail to the shell drawing. This is the last lesson of drawing the shell.

Homework: Students need to complete the shell drawing. They also need to revise for the Artists who use Collage Test. The pass mark is 80% or (or 16/20) and spelling and learning the artists’ first and second names is important. There will also be 5 bonus questions based on the information contained in the ‘Artists who use Collage Slide Show’ from lesson 9.

Students should attempt the ‘Artists who use Collage Practice Test’ below.

Artists who use Collage Practice Test

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 12

Classwork : This is the third of three lessons that students will spend drawing a shell .

Students should have already started adding tone to the drawing with a ‘stump’ and some fine details.

Students can can continue to use phones to watch the other shell drawing videos from Lesson 10 to help them with their own shell drawing.

Homework: There is no homework this week. Books will be collected for assessments.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 11

Classwork : This is the second of three lessons that students will spend drawing a shell .

Students should have already drawn the shell outline and should re-watch the ‘Shell Drawing’ video from lesson 10 and then concentrate on adding tone to their drawing with a ‘stump’. Some students my wish to add the ‘finished’ details as the draw, completing one section of the shell at time.

Students can also use phones to watch the other shell drawing videos from Lesson 10 to help them with their own shell drawing.

Homework: Complete the collage painting. This is the last week and students need to submit the finished painting next lesson.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 10

Classwork : This is the first of three lessons that students will spend drawing a shell (so it’s approx. a 3 hour drawing).

Firstly students watch the ‘Shell Drawing’ video below and then accurately draw the outline of their chosen shell. Some student may also start to add tone (Lesson 10 will be drawing the outline, Lesson 11 will be adding tone, and Lesson 12 will be adding the fine detail. Some students my wish to add the ‘finished’ details as the draw, completing one section of the shell at time).

Shell Drawing

Shell pictures to save onto phones (click on the shell to access the detailed image):

Homework: Continue to paint the collage painting. There are two weeks remaining to complete and submit the finished painting.

Students should also watch the other shell drawing videos below and decide (in readiness for the next lesson) which one they think will help you most in your own shell drawing. They can then watch this on your phone during the lesson whilst drawing. DO NOT COMPLETE ANY OF THE SHELL FOR HOMEWORK.

Shell Drawing Video - Example 1

Shell Drawing Video - Example 2

Shell Drawing Video - Example 3

Shell Drawing Video - Example 4

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 9

Classwork : Watch the ‘Artists who use Collage Slide Show’ video. The video should be paused at the appropriate point so student can split up a sketchbook page and write down the collage key term.

When watching the video students should take high quality notes on the various artists and also on the collage key terms. At the end of the lesson students will have the opportunity to re-watch the video on their phones and further research the key terms. Collage key term notes should be well presented, using colour pencil for borders and guidelines for written information as in the video.

NOTE: Students should look out for a couple of changes to the Man Ray images and also a Raoul Hausmann collage.

Artists who use Collage Slide Show

Homework: Complete any missing class notes on the Artists who use Collage and on the collage key terms described in the video.

Also continue to paint the collage painting. There are three weeks remaining to complete and submit the finished painting.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 8

Classwork : Students should now have completed to draw out wrappers and will be completing the painting for homework over the next few weeks. In class students will be working on the extension drawing exercise below.

In Year 7 students copied an artist’s drawing by measuring the work. Later in Year 7 they reproduced and enlarged the teddy bear still-life and self-portrait using the ’gridded enlargement’ method. In Year 8 student copied and enlarged the collage using the ‘points of reference’ system.

Copy by ‘measuring’

Copy by ‘gridded enlargement’

Copy by ‘point of reference’ Part 1

Copy by ‘point of reference’ Part 2

For this extension work students must use one of these 3 methods to reproduced one of the two artists’ collage pictures below. You must copy the picture to the exact size, not an enlargement.

Homework: Complete painting the fifth wrapper. Watch the ‘Collage Painting Skills 2 - Blending Paint and Fine Details’ video.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 7

Classwork : Using techniques (measuring, guidelines and ghosting) learnt in previous lessons, draw out the details and lettering for the remaining wrappers. Again remember everything is being enlarged by 1.5 times. Boys who complete work before the end of the lesson should start the extension task above.

Homework: Complete painting the fourth wrapper. Watch the ‘Collage Painting Skills 2 - Blending Paint and Fine Details’ video.

Collage Painting Skills 2 - Blending Paint and Fine Details

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Using techniques (measuring, guidelines and ghosting) learnt in previous lessons, draw out the details and lettering for the third wrapper. Again remember everything is being enlarged by 1.5 times. Some boys will also start to draw the next wrapper in the lesson. We are concentrating on the easiest wrappers first.

Homework: Complete any details and lettering for the third wrapper if you didn't manage to complete this in class. Watch the ‘Collage Painting - Common Mistakes’ video from the previous lesson again if necessary, then paint the third wrapper for homework (also improve previous wrappers if necessary). Remember to work with a high level of precision, test your colours and practice on scrap paper, and also to paint the lighter colours first.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 5

Classwork : Watch the ‘Collage Drawing - Common Mistakes’ video below. Complete any details and lettering for the second wrapper. Use guidelines and ‘ghost’ (draw out lightly) the lettering to ensure it all fits before accurately drawing the individual letters. Again remember everything is being enlarged by 1.5 times. Some boys will also start to draw the next wrapper in the lesson. We are concentrating on the easiest wrappers first.

Collage Drawing - Common Mistakes

Collage Painting - Common Mistakes

Homework: Complete any details and lettering for the second wrapper if you didn't manage to complete this in class. Watch the ‘Collage Painting - Common Mistakes’ video above, then paint the second wrapper for homework (also improve the first wrapper if necessary). Remember to work with a high level of precision, test your colours and practice on scrap paper, and also to paint the lighter colours first.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 4

Classwork : Watch the ‘Collage Enlargement 2’ video below and accurately with measurements drawing out the outlines of the wrappers (no details).

Collage Enlargement 2 - Drawing the Object Outlines

Collage Painting Skills 1 - Checking Detail and Painting Sections with Flat Colour

Homework: Complete drawing the outlines of the wrappers (no details). Watch the “Collage Painting Skills 1’ video above and then accurately (using guidelines) draw the lettering of one wrapper only and paint. If you are working from one of the set collages the wrapper you should draw and paint is shown below.

Shown is the wrapper you should paint first (very accurately, use a fine brush, and remember lightest colours first)

Shown is the wrapper you should paint first (very accurately, use a fine brush, and remember lightest colours first)

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 3

Classwork : Watch the ‘Collage Enlargement 1’ video below. Using the the points of reference system shown in the video to enlarge the collage shape outline by 1.5 times. Work on the watercolour paper you have been given.

Collage Enlargement 1 - Enlarging the Basic Shape

Homework: Complete drawing the collage outline. Do not start drawing the details or wrappers.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 2

Classwork : The first part of the lesson will be used to improve the quality of the “Words as Meanings’ work. The second part of the lesson will be used to introduce and explain the ‘Collage/Painting Project’.

Collage Painting Introduction

Homework (OPTIONAL): Produce a collage in the shape of an animal following carefully the two 'Making a Collage Videos'. This is an optional homework and you may wish to have help with the task at home.

Making the Collage - Tracing and Cutting

Making the Collage - Arranging and Sticking

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 1

Classwork : Watch the ‘Words as Meanings’ video below. Start to work out and complete 2 words to 'look like' their meaning (use colour pencil and fine liner). This should be completed on the first page of your sketchbook.

Words as Meanings

Homework: This should be completed on the first page of your sketchbook.
Complete 2 words to 'look like' their meaning (use colour pencil and fine liner) and also include an explanation. Re-watch the explanation video above if need be.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.