Year 7 Lessons - Term 1

Art may initially seem very different this year for all Key Stage 3 students. It will not be taught in the Art room but in year group ‘bubbles’. However, our intention is still to offer as broad a curriculum as possible. In practice this means that some aspects of Art (painting for example) will need to be completed at home using the demonstrations on sacart. We consider this strategy as preferable to one whereby pupils are denied these experiences.

( if you miss the lesson for any reason you should still complete both classwork and homework)

Below are good examples (for both students and parents) of the work Year 7 boys were expected to have completed during Term 1.

Lesson 14

Classwork : Students will complete the ‘Artists’ Drawing Test’. Hopefully they have been successful in the practice test set for homework. The pass mark is 80% (or 16/20).

Homework : There is no homework this week.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 13

Classwork : Students continue to add tone and detail to the tin can. This is the last lesson of drawing the tin can.

Homework : Students need to complete the tin can drawing. They also need to revise for the Artists’ Drawings Test. The pass mark is 80% or (or 16/20) and spelling and learning the artists’ first and second names is important. There will also be 5 bonus questions based on the information contained in the ‘Artists’ Drawings Slide Show’ from lesson 4.

Students should attempt the ‘Artists’ Drawings Practice Test’ below.

Artists’ Drawings Practice Test

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 12

Classwork : Students continue to add tone to the tin can (remember this is just classwork and should not be continued for homework). Students can re-watch the ‘Tin Can 2 - Shading and Tone ’ video from Lesson 9 if need be.

Homework : Students should watch the ‘Colour Mixing 2’ video below and then paint the two green sections. Remember you are not allowed to use green but must mix the colours as demonstrated in the video. Don’t forget to test and practice painting on scrap paper before painting these two green sections.

Colour Mixing 2 - Green Sections

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 11

Classwork : Firstly students should leave a page after the tin can drawing for the ‘Artists’ Drawing Test. Then stick in their ‘first’ and also their ‘best’ triangle and slodge painting (see picture below). Students should also write down the Top 5 Painting Tips they remember from the video, and write a ‘what went well’ and ‘even better if’ paragraph.


Students should then continue to add tone to the tin can (remember this is just classwork and should not be continued for homework). Students should re-watch the ‘Tin Can 2 - Shading and Tone ’ video from Lesson 9 if need be.

Homework : Students should watch the ‘Colour Mixing 1’ video below and then paint the two blue sections. Students have already been given this paper. Don’t forget to test and practice painting on scrap paper before painting these two blue sections.

Colour Mixing 1 - Blue Sections

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 10

Classwork : Students should continue to add tone to the tin can (remember this is just classwork and should not be continued for homework). Students should continue to check your tin can ellipses with tracing paper and can re-watch the ‘Tin Can 2 - Shading and Tone ’ video from Lesson 9 if need be.

Homework : On the other sheets of small painting paper, shown in the Lesson 9 homework, students should aim to paint a perfect triangle and ‘splodge’. Remember the triangle is ‘ultramarine blue’ and the slodge ‘vermilion red’. Students need to watch the video below and use the skills described to paint a perfect triangle and ‘splodge’. Make as many attempts as you need and your supply of paper allows.

NOTE: You must then submit your first painting triangle and ‘splodge' painting from the last homework, and your best triangle and ‘splodge' painting from this homework.

First Shape Painting Demonstration

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 9

Classwork : First student should check your tin can ellipses with tracing paper. After this watch the ‘Tin Can 2 - Shading and Tone ’ video. Start to add tone to the tin can. This is just classwork and should not be continued for homework.

Tin Can 2 - Shading and Tone

Homework : On the paper provided (see picture below), draw a triangle (side should be about 5cm) and a ‘splodge’ shape. Paint the triangle ‘ultramarine blue’ and the slodge ‘vermilion red’. You should only make one attempt at this first painting exercise. In subsequent weeks we will aim to improve your painting skills.


Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 8

Classwork : Watch the ‘Tin Can Outline’ from the 6mins 10 secs point to the end. Then using the knowledge and skills from last lesson (from drawing the ‘Ellipse Drawing Handout Sheet’) start drawing the actual tin can outline. You should be working life size, or slightly bigger, so measure the height and width of your tin can. Don’t forget to check your ellipses with tracing paper as shown below.

Tin Can Outline 1

Trace your first ellipse
  1. Trace your first ellipse

2. Check your top ellipse is an exact reflection

2. Check your top ellipse is an exact reflection

3. Check the indentations are the same

3. Check the indentations are the same

4. Check the bottom ellipse

4. Check the bottom ellipse

Homework : Complete the outline of the tin can (do not add any shading). Don’t forget to check your ellipses with tracing paper as shown above. Also bring in your empty tin can for the next lesson so we can start to add tone/shading.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 7

Classwork : Watch the ‘Tin Can Outline’ video up to 6mins 10 secs. Then working from ‘Ellipse Drawing Handout Sheet’ (this should be stuck in sketchbooks as shown in the video) practice the drawings shown in the video. Some boys get to the stage where they watch the remainder of the video and start drawing the actual tin can outline (this part should not be continued for homework).

Homework : Complete the drawings from the worksheet and bring in your drawing equipment. Again also bring in an empty clean tin can with the label removed (don’t crush it in your bag). You will also need the small piece of tracing paper.

Tin Can Outline

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 6

Classwork : Continue to work on the artists’ drawing copy of the Van Gogh portrait. Students should be working on the detail of the face in lesson and then go on to the clothing.

Homework : Bring in your drawing equipment. Also (as shown in the photo below) bring in an empty clean tin can with the label removed (don’t crush it in your bag), and the ellipse handout sheet you have been given. You may also find it useful to bring in the small piece of tracing paper.


Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 5

Classwork : Continue to work on the artists’ drawing copy of the Van Gogh portrait. Students should be working on the detail of the face in lesson (some students may even start the scarf). Students can take a photo of the Van Gogh drawing on their phone; in this way they can zoom in on the picture in order to see the fine details/marks more clearly. Finally trim and stick the Van Gogh picture into sketchbooks next to the drawing.


Homework : There is no homework but to bring in your drawing equipment.

Lesson 4

Classwork : The ‘Artists’ Drawing Test Recognition Handout’ should be stuck onto the second page in your sketchbook next to the ‘Mark Making Exercise’. Watch the ‘Artists Drawings Slide Show’ video below and make notes on the handout about the different artists

Artists’ Drawings Slide Show

Artists’ Drawings Research Task

Homework: Watch the ‘Artists’ Drawings Research Task’ video above. Use the ‘Artists’ Drawings Research Handout’ to complete the research work explained in the video. This is a major homework task and probably the one piece of homework this term that will take the most time to complete.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 3

Classwork : Watch the ‘Artist’s Drawing Copy’ video below. Use the photocopy of the Vincent’s Van Gogh’s drawing show in the video (you have been given this) to copy. Use a ruler and measurements as described in the video.

Artist's Drawing Copy

Hat completed (almost!) and face outline

Hat completed (almost!) and face outline

Homework: Finish drawing the hat and all details, and also complete the outline of the face (but no fine details) as show in the picture above.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 2

Classwork : Watch the ‘Mark Making Exercise’ video below. Split the third page in sketchbooks into 16 equally sized boxes. Follow the video to complete the first 8 boxes.

Mark Making Exercise

Homework: Complete the 16 boxes for the Mark Making Exercise. Remember to watch the Mark Making demonstration video. Listen very carefully to the instructions on the 8 marks/boxes you have to make up yourself.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.

Lesson 1

Classwork : Introduction of Art at St Ambrose College. Pupils are issued a sketchbook and expectations, equipment and homework are discussed. Pupils also complete a baseline questionnaire of their prior experiences and knowledge of Art.

Homework: On the first page of you sketchbook produce a freehand (no using a ruler or compass) pencil drawing of an apple and half and orange. Work about life size and add shading (but not colour). Spend as mush time as you think you need in order to do your best.

Deadline : The deadline will always be your next Art lesson unless stated otherwise on MILK.