
sixth form lockdown artwork


sixth form


The timetables shown above outlines the work to be completed between now and the end of term.

The last date for submission of work before I write REPORTS is Wednesday 8th July.

By the 8th July students should have completed the following work,

  • Main Y12 Project submitted via a Powerpoint, where each sketchbook page is photographed and placed on a Powerpoint slide. Other pieces (also flap-outs) are also photographed and placed included in the Powerpoint

  • The main Y13 Project and study plan have been submitted and approved

  • A draft of the Study Introduction has been submitted

  • Sketchbook work has been started (4 pages of initial prep work)

Previous Work - Main A Level Project & Essay

Work Set : Over the next half term it is important to make a start with the Main A Level Project & Essay (see main timetable above).

This will ideally include students completing two pieces of initial prep and associated sketchbook work, and also the essay plan and and essay introduction. That then will put students in a position to get ahead over the Summer holidays if they wish.

Individual tutorials will be carried out by phone and examples will be send out by email.

Deadline: Thursday 17th July

Work Set : Complete the Final Piece and associated sketchbook work for the main Y12 Coursework Project. Email photographs of the sketchbook pages and final work please.

Also discussed before lockdown, it should be possible to get ahead of this deadline, and thus give yourselves more time for the the Y13 Foundation Course work and, more importantly, time to start the main Y13 Project and essay.

Deadline: Friday 5th June - Project extension if needed

Work Set : Complete Development 2 final work and associated sketchbook work. Email photographs of the sketchbook pages and final work please.

Deadline: Friday 24th April

Work Set : Complete Development 1 Final Piece. Email photographs of the sketchbook pages and final work please.

Deadline: Friday 10th April

Work Set : Complete Artists’ Research sketchbook pages. Also complete Sketchbook pages and plan out your development with example Artwork

Deadline: Friday 3rd April