
year 2 lockdown artwork


year 2

CURRENT WORK - Last piece of the Year!

Work Set : Produce a good quality drawing of a shell. You can use google images for the photograph. Try to show off you fine drawing skills and a high level of detail. Please submit the drawing and the photograph you copied. Use at least half a page in your sketchbook. See examples below,

SECURE EXAMPLE - good proportions and tone but limited fine detail

SECURE EXAMPLE - good proportions and tone but limited fine detail

EXCELLENCE EXAMPLE - excellent proportion, three dimensional shading/tone and a high level of fine detail

EXCELLENCE EXAMPLE - excellent proportion, three dimensional shading/tone and a high level of fine detail

Deadline : Tuesday 14th July

Previous Work

Work Set : Because of video copywrite restrictions this weeks homework is to read through the Perspective Notes handout. Also google the 7 paintings mentioned in the handout (they can also be found on The National Gallery website). If you have access to a printer please stick the handout into your sketchbook (on the page after the Atmospheric Perspective Painting) and highlight or underline the key points.

Perspective Handout Pictures.jpg

Deadline : Tuesday 7th July

Work Set : Complete the atmospheric perspective painting with cloud, 4 mountains and 3 trees. In this final week most boys will need to look closely at the number of fine branches (at least 200-300 in large tree, 100 in medium tree and 50 in smallest tree), bifurcation and quality of painting. Please look again at the guidance and demonstration video from previous work to see what improvements can be made. Here are 9 example of this work.

Y2 Newsletter Pics 1.png

Optional Extension Work : Add one extra detail in perspective (ie the correct size in the painting).. Most students add either a person or a building. Please click on the button below for guidance on the standards expected.

Deadline : Tuesday 30th June

Work Set : This week you need paint the large tree. Before painting ensure the tree is drawn accurately (proportions and bifurcation). Remember the common mistakes I’ve mentioned before. To show progress students will need to demonstration that the three trees are of a better standard than the practice tree paintings completed previously. Also watch the video for guidance from 5 min 2 secs - remember you are only painting the largest tree this week. Some good example of trees are shown below but remember the large tree should have a few hundred branches and twigs to show detail!

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 12.31.51.png
Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 12.32.06.png

Deadline : Tuesday 23rd June

Work Set : This week you need paint the two smallest trees. Before painting ensure the trees are drawn accurately (proportions and bifurcation). Common mistakes are shown in the picture below. To show progress students will need to demonstration that these tree are of a better standard than the practice tree paintings completed. Also watch the video for guidance from 3 min 35 secs - remember you are only painting the two smallest trees this week.

Y2 Improved Quality Tree Painting Examples.jpg

Work Set : This week you need draw out the three trees in the correct sizes, showing your understand perspective. use scrap paper is useful for this as shown in the video. Common errors are that boys make the nearest tree too small and the second and third trees too big. Watch the video for guidance only up to 3 min 30 secs - remember you are not painting this week.

Deadline : Tuesday 9th June

Work Set : This week you will need to paint only the four mountains. Watch the video and make certain the furthest mountain is very light and the nearest mountain is darkest, but not too dark because you won’t see the bottom of the tree when you come to paint it.

Common mistakes include painting the mountain the wrong tones, or either too dark or too light. Also leaving messy brushstrokes in the mountains. Watch the video very carefully.

Also do not do the darker outlines of the mountains without practicing first, and being certain you can do them well. If you are uncertain leave out the outlines - you can really mess up the work if you do it badly.

2 Hills Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Deadline : Tuesday 2nd June

Work Set : On the A4 sheet of watercolour paper you were given, draw out 4 mountains and paint the clouds only. Watch the ‘Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting’ video careful. You may also want to practice clouds again on scrap paper before starting.

Common mistakes include not leaving about a third for the sky, drawing the mountain so they don’t look realistic and painting the clouds badly (remember to work very lightly to begin with; you only have one sheet of paper, so only one chance to get it right).

Final Clouds Atmospheric Perspective Landscape Painting

Deadline : Tuesday 19th May

Work Set : Read through the ‘Y2 Tree Painting Improvement’ pdf. Produce your second tree painting on the paper you were given before lockdown. Remember you are only using black paint and the tree does not have leaves.

Finally present this second tree painting on the same page as the first painting with a second written explanation as shown in the video. For this you need to describe the techniques used (also described in the video), how you improve the tree, as well as WWW and EBI comments.

Please send a picture of the page in your sketchbook (showing both tree paintings and written evaluation) for marking.

Year 2 Tree Paintings Improvements pdf

Year 2 Tree Paintings Improvements pdf

Deadline : Tuesday 12th May

Work Set : Watch the Atmospheric Tree Painting Demonstration video below. Produce one tree paintings on the paper you were given before lockdown. Remember you are only using black paint and the tree does not have leaves.

Finally present this one tree painting on half a page in your sketchbook with written explanations as shown in the video. For this you need to describe the techniques used (also described in the video) as well as WWW and EBI comments.

Remember we are only producing one tree painting this week. I will then give you feedback on how to improve the tree and show progress in readiness for completing the the second tree next week.

Atmospheric Perspective Tree Demonstration

NOTES : you may want to practice in the back of you sketchbook before using the paper you were given (if you didn’t pick up the paper you will have to use paper from the back of your sketchbook and cut it into strips four pieces - this is A6 size).

The most common mistakes pupils make and loose marks are,
1. Not using enough a fine enough brush or twisting the brush to a point. Not twisting the brush to a point

2. Not showing understanding of ‘bifurcation’ and the ways branches divide and grow

3. Not using the correct proportion of paint and water

4. Poor presentation - like not using guidelines for written work or messy ‘sticking -in’

Deadline : Tuesday 5th May

Work Set : Watch the Atmospheric Cloud Painting Demonstration video below. Produce two cloud paintings on the strips of watercolour paper you were given before lockdown. Remember you are only using water and a very small amount of black paint.

Finally present work with written explanations as shown in the video. For this you need to describe the techniques used (also described in the video) as well as WWW and EBI comments.

Atmospheric Perspective Cloud Painting

NOTES : you may want to practice in the back of you sketchbook before using the watercolour paper you were given (if you didn’t pick up the watercolour paper you will have to use paper from the back of your sketchbook and cut it into strips).

The most common mistakes pupils make and loose marks are,
1. Not using enough water - there is a high risk of this as you are using a smaller brush than in the video
2. Using too much black paint
3. Not leaving any white unpainted areas in the clouds
4. Poor presentation - like not using guidelines for written work or messy ‘sticking -in’

Deadline : Tuesday 28th April

Work Set : Watch the Atmospheric Perspective Overview video carefully. In this way you will gain an understanding of the work that will be set over the coming weeks.

Atmospheric Perspective Project Overview

Also collect 6 pictures of different types of clouds and neatly set out on a page in your sketchbook. You will also need to write a descriptive paragraph on each of the six pictures. Describe what ‘type’ of cloud they are and what are their characteristics.

Then collect 6 pictures of different types of tress and neatly set out on a second page in your sketchbook. These should be winter trees without leave. You do not have to write about the trees.

If you do not have a printer this can be completed on two PowerPoint slides.

You will need to email me two pictures to show that you that you have completed the work, or send me the PowerPoint.

Deadline : Tuesday 21st April

Work Set : The next piece of work due for completion is the double sketchbook page of Land Art Research, and this is set for the Tuesday after the Easter break.

You will need to email me two pictures to show that you that you have completed the work,
PICTURE 1 : Your double sketchbook page of Land Art research with FLAP-OUTS CLOSED
Your double sketchbook page of Land Art research with FLAP-OUTS OPEN


Please leave space for the pictures on the double sketchbook page (and any flap-outs). All other work must be completed. Then at the same time as sending me Pictures 1 and 2, also send me a Powerpoint of the missing pictures. Please number and correctly size the missing pictures in the Powerpoint. You can print the pictures when school resumes. By doing this you will not loose marks when the work is assessed.

ALSO - The make your own Land Art is now OPTIONAL now optional EASTER homework. Boys who feel they are unable to complete this work (reasons might include not having access to an outdoor space/garden) will be asked to complete the work over the Summer holidays and submit it at the beginning of Year 3.

For those pupils wishing to complete the work your final Land Art can either be presented in your sketchbook or in a PowerPoint. You should give your Land Art a title and write a paragraph under the following headings (see examples in the ‘Student Land Art Examples’ video on the Y2 sacart page),
1. Meaning (What makes it Land Art and what inspired you to come up with this idea)
2. Construction (How was the work made, size and materials used)
3. Evaluation (Why do you think it is successful, and how would you improve it if you did it again or had more time/materials)

Deadline : Tuesday 15th April