Year 12 Work - Term 1
Boys without access to a printer can email me prints using the A4 Powerpoint Printing Template below. The pictures need to fit into the spaces left in sketchbooks, so please ensure pictures are measured accurately using the the rulers on the template.
Week 1 (5/9)
Work Set : Students start the Foundations Course 1 - Drawing Project.
It expected that students spend approximately 10hrs per week on the Art A level work (including lessons). Two example projects can be seen below.
Work Produced:
Sketchbook investigations - drawings, photographs and annotations
Artists’ drawings research and investigations
Drawing development work
Final large scale drawing(s)
In this first week students make a decision about the topic, take photographs, and start sketchbook work. The topic is research and explained, and there is a high quality pencil drawing.
Foundation Course Drawing Example 1
Foundation Course Drawing Example 2
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 2 (12/9)
Work Set : Student complete the initial topic research work (normally 2 - 3 double pages in the sketchbook). An example on the topic of ‘Death & Life’ is shown below.
Students start to collect and present work showing different drawing styles.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 3 (19/9)
Work Set : Students research one or two artists in more depth and experiment with copying work to develop an additional ‘style’ of drawing, or adopting a new ‘drawing material’ to work with.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 4 (26/9)
Work Set : Students plan the final major drawing.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 5 (3/10)
Work Set : Students continue to work on the final major drawing and associated sketchbook pages.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 6 (10/10)
Work Set : Students continue to work on the final major drawing and associated sketchbook pages.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 7 (17/10)
Work Set : Students complete the final major drawing and associated sketchbook pages.
During this week the Foundations Course 2 - ‘Homage’ Project will also be introduced.
During this week the Foundations Course 2 - ‘Homage’ Project and oil painting materials and techniques will be discussed. An example project can be seen below.
Work Produced:
Sketchbook investigations - drawings, photographs, paintings and annotations
Artists’ research and investigations, including socio-historical references
Copies of paintings
Development work and set-up photographs
Final Homage in oil paint
Foundation Course Homage Example 1
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 8 (31/10)
Work Set : Students should have started work on the Foundations Course 2 - ‘Homage’ Project research work over half term and hopefully started a first oil painting. This will normally be a copy of a section of their chosen painting.
Work will also be assessed this week.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 9 (7/11)
Work Set : Students complete the ‘Homage’ project research work, writing a detailed analysis of their chosen painting, investigating the social and historical context of the work, and also looking at the artist’s life and other associated works.
Homage painting research work
Artist’s life and associated works research
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 10 (14/11)
Work Set : Students complete the first oil painting and start a second.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 11 (21/11)
Work Set : Students explain and present their ‘Homage’ ideas and take photographs of the set up.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 12 (28/11)
Work Set : Student draw out the final ‘Homage’ painting and start painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 13 (5/12)
Work Set : Students continue to paint the final ‘Homage’ painting.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 14 (12/12)
Work Set : Students complete the final ‘Homage’ painting.
During this week the Foundations Course 3 - Major Y12 Project will be discussed. The format of this project will be very similar to that of a GCSE project (Initial Preparatory Work, Artists’ Research, Development and a Final Piece), but will also include new ways of working and presenting ideas and research outlined during the first two Foundation projects. Example projects can be seen here.
Work Produced:
Two or three pieces of initial preparatory work (including photography) and associated sketchbook work
Artists’ research and investigations including copies of paintings
One or two pieces of development work and associated sketchbook work
Final art work and associated sketchbook work
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Year 12 Work - Term 2
Week 1 (4/1)
Priority Work Set : Students should have started work on the Foundations Course 3 - Major Project research work over Christmas.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 2 (9/1)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 3 (16/1)
Priority Work Set : Final Personal Investigation Project Improvement Week 1 of 2.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 4 (23/1)
Priority Work Set : Final Personal Investigation Project Improvement Week 2 of 2.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 5 (30/1)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 6 (6/2)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 7 (20/2)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 8 (27/2)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 9 (6/3)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 10 (13/3)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 11 (27/3)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Year 12 Work - Term 3
Week 1 (17/4)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 2 (24/4)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.
Week 3 (1/5)
Priority Work Set : Students
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on ClassCharts.