Year 10 Work - Term 3
If you don’t have access to a printer please email any printing at least 24hrs before the lesson or time when it is required. Please use the template below.
Week 1
Work Set : Student continue the Artists’ Research sketchbook pages. Remember the 8 pages artists’ research needs to be complete one week after the Year 10 Summer examinations. That is week 4 of this term.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 2 - This is Examination Week 1
Work Set : No work set.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 3 - This is Examination Week 2
Work Set : No work set.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 4
Work Set (Artist Research Page 7 & 8): Student continue with the Artists’ Research sketchbook pages. The aim is to complete the final two pages this week.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 5
Work Set (Development 1) : Students start on the first piece of development work. The aim must be to complete Development 1 over the Half Term Break. We will then use the first week after Half Term to make any improvements and complete the two associated sketchbook pages.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK..
Week 6
Work Set (Development 1) : Students use this first week after Half Term to make any improvements to Development 1 and complete the two associated sketchbook pages.
They should also aim to plan out their ‘Final Piece’ during the lessons this week.
For Fine Artists this ‘Final Piece’ may ultimately become the second piece of development if students choose to produce a new ‘Final Piece’ during Year 11.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Lesson 7
Work Set (Final Piece Week 1) : Students start to work on the Final Piece. Students have four weeks - including homework time its is expected that students spend approximately 20 hrs on the Final Piece.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 8
Work Set (Final Piece Week 2) : Students continue to work on the Final Piece.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 9
Work Set (Final Piece Week 3) : Students continue working on the ‘Final Piece’. This the the final week (Photographers use Week 10 to look over all work for Photoshoots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and address any weaknesses or omissions)
.Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 10
Work Set (Final Piece Week 4) : The is effectively the last week of term for lessons. This will be used to assess both Yr 10 projects and make plans for what needs to be completed/improved over the Summer break, and during improvement time in the first term of Year 11 (Photographers do this also).
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.
Week 11
Work Set : The last week of term is activities week so most lessons will not take place.
Deadline : The deadline will always be set on MILK.