
year 1 lockdown artwork


year 1

CURRENT WORK - Last piece of the Year!

Work Set : This is a change from the Artists’ Portrait Test.

Look at the Artists’ Portrait Test Handout and familiarise yourself with the artists and their style. Choose 2 artists to research. Write about their LIFE, PORTRAIT WORK, SYLE (colours and techniques) and also WHY YOU LIKE THE WORK (include examples of their portraits). You could use these a sub-heading to present your work.

You should aim to produce at least half a page on each artist. Those boys who do not have a printer can present the work on 2 PowerPoint slides. Use Wikipedia (but don’t simply copy and paste text - write it in your own words under the headings above) and YouTube for research. This homework should show substantial progress from the artists’ research your did back in September (see examples below).

Portraits Research - 8/10 Secure+ example (needs sub-headings and more emphasis on the ‘Portraits’ for the higher marks)

Portraits Research - 8/10 Secure+ example (needs sub-headings and more emphasis on the ‘Portraits’ for the higher marks)

Portraits Research - 9.5/10 Excellence example

Portraits Research - 9.5/10 Excellence example

Deadline : Monday 13th July

Previous Work

Work Set : Complete the self-portrait gridded enlargement drawing over the next two week. In the first week it is suggested that you add shading/tone to the face, neck and ears using a stump or a cotton wool bud. also add detail and shading to the hair. You should then send it for feedback.

In the second week you will need make the improvements given in the feedback, and also finish the drawing by adding shading/tone to the clothing . Please click on the button below for guidance on the standards expected.

Deadline : Friday 3rd July

Work Set : Add tone/shading and detail to the eyes, nose and mouth of you gridded enlargement self-portrait. As the photograph you enlarged does not include that much detail it is suggest that you take (or get someone else to take) some addition photos on you phone of your eyes, nose and mouth to help see the extra detail. The main point being is that this drawing needs to show ‘more detail’ (progress) when ‘compared’ with your practice facial features drawings.

Submit both the gridded enlargement self-portrait drawing and photograph (example below)

Excellence- example - blazer, hair and glasses could be darker, and a little more tone in the skin is need for the next level

Excellence- example - blazer, hair and glasses could be darker, and a little more tone in the skin is need for the next level

Deadline : Monday 22nd June

Work Set : Draw the outline of your photograph in the grid produced for the last homework. At this stage no tone/shading should be added, but ensure you draw accurately what you see (and its position) in each box. The level of detail expected can be seen in the example below. Work lightly because you will make errors that will need to be adjusted.


Work Set : Using the photography that was taken of yourself, stick this into your sketchbook. Use a double page (boys who are right-hand will want to stick the photo on the left-hand page, and boys who are left-hand may want to stick the photo on the right-hand page). Draw out the grid on the photograph and then the ‘double size’ grid on the opposite page in your sketchbook. This week your are only drawing out the grids accurately. All is explained in the video.

For those boys who do not have a photograph, you will need to follow the guidance given out in the PowerPoint attached to the homework on MILK.

Deadline : Monday 8th June

Work Set : Draw the final facial feature study of an ear. For this there is no guidance; you will need to use your own observation and drawing skills to complete the nose. Examples of ear drawings shown from 11mins 35secs in the Drawing Facial Features Demonstration video.

When you have completed the work look again at the examples in the Drawing Facial Features Demonstration video (from 7mins 15secs) and look to see if there are any ways that you can improve the four drawings (eye, mouth, nose and ear). Finally take a picture of each page in your sketchbook and submit for marking. Remember if you do not have a printer you should also submit the pictures you copied from on a PowerPoint.

Deadline : Monday 1st June

Work Set : You should have already have drawn the eye and mouth on one page. On the next page in your sketchbook again the page split into four (but this time I suggest you use it in a portrait/upright format). This weeks work is to produce a highly detailed drawing of a nose (in front view) from a photograph and present these next to one another in your book. You may want to watch the Drawing Facial Features Demonstration video again from 9mins 30secs).

This is also a good link:


Please leave space for the pictures on your sketchbook page. Then at the same time as sending me a pictures of the nose drawing send me a picture of the nose photograph that you copied. I suggest you arrange the pictures on a PowerPoint. You can print the pictures when school resumes and stick them into your book.

Remember to work from high quality pictures and draw larger than life size so it becomes easier to add fine detail and blending.

Deadline : Monday 18th May

Work Set : You should have already have drawn the eye on the top have of the page split into four (as described in the video). This weeks work is to produce a highly detailed drawing of lips (I suggest you draw them with the mouth closed). You may want to watch the Drawing Facial Features Demonstration video again from 8mins 10secs).

This is also a good link:


Please leave space for the pictures on your sketchbook page. Then at the same time as sending me a pictures of the lips drawing send me a picture of the lips photograph that you copied. I suggest you arrange the pictures on a PowerPoint. You can print the pictures when school resumes and stick them into your book.

Remember to work from high quality pictures and draw larger than life size so it becomes easier to add fine detail and blending.

Deadline : Monday 11th May

Work Set : Watch the Drawing Facial Features Demonstration video. Split the next page in your sketchbook into four (as described in the video) and produce a highly detailed drawing of an eye. You are only drawing an eye this week.


Please leave space for the pictures on your sketchbook page. Then at the same time as sending me a pictures of the eye drawing send me a picture of the eye photograph that you copied. I suggest you arrange the pictures on a PowerPoint. You can print the pictures when school resumes and stick them into your book.

Remember to work from high quality pictures and draw larger than life size so it becomes easier to add fine detail and blending.

Deadline : Monday 4th May

Work Set : Watch the Portrait Proportions Worksheet Guidance video. Then produce a copy of the Portrait Proportions Worksheet. This will enable you to show an accurate understanding of the proportions of the human head and also show you can present the information in an accurate and precise way.

Remember the video demonstration shows that students do not need to copy the three skull drawings and skull written work.

Portrait Proportions Worksheet

Portrait Proportions Worksheet

Portrait Proportions Worksheet Guidance

The most common mistakes pupils make and loose marks are,
1. Not spending enough time doing an accurate heading and adding colour neatly
2. Not writing in pen and using guidelines
3. Getting the proportions of the head 'on the wrong lines'
4.Producing a sketch rather than an accurate 'line drawing'

Deadline : Monday 27th April

Work Set : Watch the Artists Colour Video, take notes for the bonus questions and revise for the Test

Artists Colour Slide Show

The opportunity to complete the Artists Colour Test has now expired

Deadline : Monday 20th April

Work Set : The next piece of work due for completion is the Teddy Bear Still Life Painting, and  this is due on the Monday after the Easter break.

You will need to email me two pictures to show that you that you have completed the work,
PICTURE 1 : Your final completed Teddy Bear Still Life Painting shown stuck into your sketchbook
Lay out all your evidence of practice paintings and take a picture.

(1A must also send a picture of their colour mixing and blending excise sheet.)

Deadline : Monday 13th April