Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Weekly Work Schedule & Curriculum Changes
For most students the curriculum will remain largely unchanged and as it appears on sacart. Work will also continue to be posted on MILK.
Year 1
Most likely changes to the curriculum are noted in bold text
Pupils will complete the Teddy Bear painting, trim and stick into sketchbooks
The Artists’ Colour Picture Test will be an online test
Pupils will complete the Portrait Worksheet Copy
Pupils will complete the studies of eyes, noses, ears and mouths
Pupils will complete the Self Portrait Gridded Enlargement drawing
The Artists’ Portraits Picture Test will be an online test
The Clay Portrait Sculpture will be cancelled (possibly completed in Year 2) and an alternative task provided
Year 2
Most likely changes to the curriculum are noted in bold text
Pupils will complete the Land Art Research work
Pupils will complete their own Land Art work, photograph and present in sketchbooks (in the event that pupils do not have access to a printer at home this information can be presented on Microsoft Word or Powerpoint)
The Land Artists Picture Test will be postponed
Pupils will complete the Atmospheric Perspective Painting unit of work as it stands
Year 3
Most likely changes to the curriculum are noted in bold text
Pupils will continue to complete the current project as specified
In the event that pupils do not have access to a printer at home, space should be left in sketchbooks for pictures and these can be presented on Microsoft Word or Powerpoint (at the correct size) in readiness for printing when school resumes
As currently, pupils can continue to seek advice and guidance via email
Year 4
Most likely changes to the curriculum are noted in bold text
Pupils will continue to complete the current project as specified
In the event that pupils do not have access to a printer at home, space should be left in sketchbooks for pictures and these can be presented on Microsoft Word or Powerpoint (at the correct size) in readiness for printing when school resumes
As currently, pupils can continue to seek advice and guidance via email
Year 5
Pupils will continue to complete the current examination project and prepare for the 10hr examination (Thursday 31st April and Friday 1st May, 2020)
In the event that pupils do not have access to a printer at home, space should be left in sketchbooks for pictures and these can be presented on Microsoft Word or Powerpoint (at the correct size) in readiness for printing when school resumes
As currently, pupils can continue to seek advice and guidance via email
Lower Sixth
Most likely changes to the curriculum are noted in bold text
Pupils will continue to complete the current Y12 Main Project and also start the y13 Main Project as specified.
In the event that pupils do not have access to a printer at home, space should be left in sketchbooks for pictures and these can be presented on Microsoft Word or Powerpoint (at the correct size) in readiness for printing when school resumes
As currently, pupils can continue to seek advice and guidance via email